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Blessing Splash/Sprinkle

Sheila Reynolds

I’m not sure this is the correct title for this blog, but sometimes in life, when we are feeling a little down, the best way to lift our spirits is to put a smile on the face of another. Not just anyone, but a total stranger, and someone you will probably never see again. 😮. Just pick one thing-their eye color, their jacket, their purse, the color of their polish, type of car, etc. It’s not difficult. Don’t make it awkward and run in front of them. Just compliment them in passing and keep walking and don’t expect anything in return. You will often be surprised! Sometimes people show no expression 😮, sometimes they smile 😃, sometimes they thank you and sometimes they even say that was the kindest thing anyone has said to them today. 😃😆 Either way, it will make you smile and put a spring in your step. You just sprinkled a smile to a stranger!!! ☀️ You are awesome and just made the world a better place to be!!! Bless you friend. Sprinkle on!! 🥳

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