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A Practice of Health

Reiki Treatment
Image by Scott Webb

Reiki Session

A Japanese form of alternative medicine for healing, also called energy healing.  Practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hand-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioners to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.

Shaman Session

This Chakra healing is clearing and intuitive guidance, those old beliefs & emotions that have blocked the joy, vitality and prosperity you desire. Most patterns clear after the first session leaving you feeling lighter, more centered, aches and pains may disappear, and as you shift, the world shifts around you.  It is a deeper healing than Reiki alone.  You will leave feeling relaxed and refreshed.


Home/Office/Building Clearing

Space clearing is the art of clearing and revitalizing stagnant energies  in buildings.  All traditional cultures have a form of space clearing. It can be seen as a higher level of house cleaning and is as essential to the energetic maintenance of a place as physical cleaning is to the physical maintenance.

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